Consent form

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What is COSIMO?

COSIMO (Cognition of Social Interactions in Movies) is a clinical test of social cognition that is currently being developed at the Swiss Epilepsy Centre and the University of Zurich. The project is currently in phase IV, during which we collecting norm data and validating the test.

Which criteria must I fulfill to participate?

  • 16 years or older
  • Fluent in English, Spanish, German, or Norwegian

  • What will I have to do?

    First we will ask you a few questions about yourself. Your responses will be treated anonymously. Then you will be shown 25 short video clips of interactions and asked to pick the most suitable emotional word to describe one of the characters. At the end we would like to show you a well established test of emotion recognition which consists of still images of eyes. Everything together should take just under 15 minutes.

    Are there any risks or gains in participating?

    There are no risks related to this study. If you complete the study we pledge to make a small donation to Autismus Deutsche Schweiz.

    Data storage

    Your responses will be stored anonymously and cannot be connected to you.


    If you have any questions, you may contact us here contact us here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    If you consent to the information above and wish to participate, please press "yes".